By NNadm Kamis, 10 Januari 2013 ambulance bureaucracy EMT exams London Ambulance Service Magen David Adom MDA paramedic patient The Story So Far (Or, how to keep the bank manager in suspense) It’s been a little quiet round these here parts. I mean the blog, not Israel. Below, I explain a little as to why this has been the case. Th...
By NNadm Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012 hospital Hurricane Sandy neonates nurse paramedic patient Unsung Heroes Heroism is a term bandied about all too lightly. Teenagers describe the latest pop-sensation as their hero. Sports fans describe the latest ...
By NNadm Jumat, 20 Januari 2012 ambulance DVT humour paramedic patient relatives DVT Confusion When is a DVT, or deep-vein thrombosis, more dangerous to an ambulance crew than it is to the patient who's had one? Consider the follow...