By NNadm Senin, 20 Juli 2015 ambulance blog crash paramedic plane PTSD Back On The Road My last post on here, some nine months ago, reads now as both a warning and a reminder. I was warning myself, not aware enough at the time ...
By NNadm Kamis, 06 Maret 2014 ambulance birthday blog elderly EMS fall paramedic Birthdays Five o'clock in the morning and for the first time all night, we finally arrive back on station. Within seconds, before the engine has h...
By NNadm Senin, 26 Maret 2012 ambulance blog children EMS fall London Ambulance Service paramedic Five Words Stepping into the office with an envelope in my hand, I was about to take one of the biggest steps in almost a decade. "Need my signatu...
By NNadm Selasa, 13 Maret 2012 alcohol ambulance blog children CPR paramedic resuscitation weekend Playing Dead Saturday night. In fact, it's worse. It's a post pay-day Saturday night. The calls are coming in faster than the customers can sp...