By NNadm Minggu, 11 Mei 2014 ambulance chain of survival doctor EMT hospital nurse paramedic resuscitation self harm suicide The Best As we march quickly into the resuscitation room, wading through the sea of people currently waiting for their turn in triage, one face looks...
By NNadm Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012 ambulance children doctor nurse oxygen paramedic transfer The Trolley We pull up to the entrance at the back of the hospital, reversing the ambulance into what is no more than a widened alley. Cats roam free, p...
By NNadm Kamis, 12 April 2012 ambulance cardiac arrest cath lab CPR defibrillator doctor heart heart attack paramedic Plumbing The first beads of perspiration appear on his forehead as we attach the monitor leads to his limbs and chest. "I don't think it...
By NNadm Senin, 27 Februari 2012 ambulance doctor hospital paramedic The Corridor Four of them, maybe brothers, maybe cousins, maybe friends, stand in the corridor. Flat-peaked baseball caps with hoods over the top and tro...
By NNadm Selasa, 07 Februari 2012 ambulance doctor EMT HEMS hospital morphine paramedic police RTC Eight Miles The radio vibrates against my shirt, the phone beeps in my pocket and I run back to the car to see the screen flash up a new call. Eight mil...
By NNadm Kamis, 02 Februari 2012 ambulance children doctor nurse paramedic seizure Football Pictures A young father meets me at the door, his face wracked with worry. He ushers me up the stairs and in a rare gesture even offers to carry one ...
By NNadm Senin, 21 November 2011 ambulance doctor nurse paramedic Just a Thought A blog post so short, that it probably should have just been a tweet, but I felt it was more important. Remember - you're not just trea...